Tuesday, September 9, 2014

In preparation for exhibiting The Frog Prince at the Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival, we folded the boat in the barn. This is the stern view, ready to put on the trailer. 

Loaded up and ready to go!

We got reservations for the 54' total load on the ferry to Port Townsend. 

We begin unloading the bow sections and prepare to lower the boat to the ground. It is a much more difficult process to lower the boat to the ground than it will be to put the boat into the water. 
The bow sections are put into place. Bronze hinges not yet installed will allow these bow sections to swing back against the hull for storage and transport. 
We set up the preliminary derrick framework to raise the stern. We used chain falls to move the stern into position. The actual system will use a more sophisticated framework with pulleys and an electric winch to accomplish this task. 
Partial stern section is lowered into place, and awaiting attachment of the final transom piece that will also double as the dingy for the yacht. 
The Owner and his boat, all 52' of it! Remember, it folds down to 18.5' for mooring, storage and shipping. 
We received many positive responses to the design and pass out over 100 flyers. It was considered the most innovative design at this year's show by several festival officials.  
After a great show, we start the process of folding the stern section. Two of us accomplish this task easily. 

Stern reaches full height, ready to be lowered over the cabin.

Another view of the stern folding.

The stern in final position. The derricks will be removed and stored inside the boat.
3,000 lbs of boat, fully folded and on the trailer. 

We caught the last ferry home to barn for two months of final assembly. Launching to be on Loon Lake, Whidbey Island between Freeland and Langley. Date and time to be announced. Watch this space!